Chandra Sekhar Jaiswal

Mr. Chandra Shekhar Jaiswal:: 


Address “Hastings Chambers”
Ground Floor
7C, Kiran Shankar Roy Road
Kolkata 700 001

2479 2077 (R)

Telephone 2248 5400
Facsimile 2248 5750

Mr. Chandra Sekhar Jaiswal has considered tourism as the major factor on which economy and development of Maldives is largely evolved largely around tourism. Teacher education in Maldives is still in its developing stage. Initiatives from Government Sector as well as from International Agents have helped the country build a to some extent sound secondary teacher education system. Primary teacher education system is well built in Maldives. Now the MNU has taken several steps to develop secondary teacher education in the country. The country is in a process to reshape the secondary teacher education curriculum. Proficiency in English language is being stressed. Modern subjects are included and modern teaching methods are adopted as per her capacity. Female participation in teaching is not so high. As Mr. Jaiswal indicates that Maldives is trying to be self-dependent in teacher education system by lowering the number of expatriate teacher-educators. Qualified young who went abroad for higher study are being returned back and incorporated in teacher education system with smart pay-package.

संपादक Manoj Kumar Shah

इस पोस्ट को अपने समाजबंधु के साथ जरूर शेयर करें

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